A & Z Foot Spa and Massage offers a variety of health and beauty services to those visiting the Lake Lewisville area. Some of the services provided include body acupressure and foot reflexology. For more info, please call 940-218-5234.
You can click on the map to open Google Maps in a new tab for directions and more.
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There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.
Hi: 95
Saturday Night
Lo: 71
Hi: 96
Sunday Night
Mostly Clear
Lo: 66
Columbus Day
Mostly Sunny
Hi: 82
Monday Night
Lo: 59
Hi: 86
Tuesday Night
Lo: 57
Extended Weather Forecast
Water Level on 10/13: 519.97 (-2.03)
Water Level Details
Cedar Creek Lake
Eagle Mountain Lake
Lake Texoma
Moss Lake